GMU:Algorithmic Art/Ahmad Hafez

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Human Processed Algorithm 0 // 15.10.18

Result Algorithm
HPA 0.jpg

Introductory Algorithm The implementation of this algorithm was based on the instructions given for deconstructing given names to coordinates.

Human Processed Algorithm 1 // 26.10.18

Result Algorithm
HPA 1.jpg HPA_1

Movie Play Through My idea for this algorithm was to base the output on Movie titles chosen by the person executing the algorithm in a simple way of connecting these titles at the end of the execution in a controlled matter.

The bigger picture for this algorithm is to have multiple executions of it and then overlapping them to see the most used words and letters for theses titles and presenting them in an abstract matter.

Computer Processed Algorithm 0 // 02.11.18

Result Algorithm
Pic.jpg CPA_0

Glass Art by Laszlo Moholy Nagy Still recreation This Illustration is meant as an Introduction and Practice to Computer Processed Algorithms using processing.

Computer Processed Algorithm 1 // 04.11.18

Result Algorithm

For Loop Trials During my experimentation using for loops I managed to figure out interesting spaces and masses with changing functions and displays based on the specified parameters and conditions applied also as an alternative way of creating arrays. These are some of my practice imagery that were displayed:

CPA_1 -- Is based on 1 simple for loop function for a triangle gradually getting smaller.

CPA_2 & CPA_3 -- Are the same script with a few parts changed from it to transform the display from a grid pattern to a circular one.

Human Processed Algorithm 2 // 09.11.18

Result Algorithm

The Great Pretender Illustrated Mix In this algorithm the song "The great Pretender" by Freddie Mercury was the main source of input within a random human emotional output to see the different out comes that my generate from a single song within simple conditions as well as to illustrated it in a sense of an abstract representation of its meaning.

Computer Processed Algorithm 2 // 10.11.18

Result Algorithm
CPA_2 CPA_3 CPA_2 | CPA_3

Array Trials My approach towards the array function started by experimenting with the existing code to create new, interesting patterns based on sin,cos & tan conditions within a fade ratio then moved to image frame manipulation and transition within the same conditions of a movie scene "Burnt".

Computer Processed Algorithm 3 // 15.11.18

Result Algorithm
CPA_3 CPA_4 CPA_3&4

Sin/Cos/Tan and Color manipulation Trials In this assignment I tried to experiment a little with the sin, cos and tan functions with the addition of color manipulation to generate different graphical displays of the specified function for each drawn shape also with occurring different curves based on the input values.

Computer Processed Algorithm 4 // 20.11.18

Result Algorithm
CPA_4 CPA_5 CPA_4 | CPA_5

Noise Trials I tried noise distribution in an organic display of a wave and in a grid bases connected by lines with movement of restricted nature determined by the noise factors that were implemented.

Computer Processed Algorithm 5 // 10.12.18

Result Algorithm
CPA_5 CPA_6 CPA_7 CPA_8 CPA_5 | CPA_6_CPA_7

Image/Video Trials Building upon what was displayed in the lecture I tried to recreate a dynamic effect using a video format of a Hannibal cooking scene as well as a 2D image layered upon a cluster of patterns and shapes in order to establish interesting effects and displays.