Lecturer: Max Neupert mit Clemens Wegener
Credits: 6 ECTS, 4 SWS
Date: Thursday, 9:15 until 12:30 h
Venue: Marienstraße 7b, Room 204
First meeting: 2012-10-18
No matter if metered readings, stock exchange data or coastal lines: for artists and designers alike it's a challenging task to extract meaning from data. We will evaluate workflows to interpret and analyze one-dimensional data. Eventually this data will be visualized or sonified.
Course language will be English (except everyone speaks German then it will be in German.. obviously).
German description
Ob Messwerte, Börsenkurse oder Küstenlinien, für Künstler und Designer ist es eine anspruchsvolle Aufgabe aus Daten Sinn zu stiften. Es werden Abläufe erprobt um eindimensionale Daten zu analysieren, zu interpretieren und schließlich zu visualisieren oder zu sonifizieren.
Kurssprache ist Englisch (es sei denn alle Teilnehmer verstehen und sprechen Deutsch. Dann ist die Kurssprache natürlich Deutsch).
- Processing
- Graphic Design
- Information aesthetics
- Visualisation
- Sonification
- 18.10. Introduction
- 25.10. Processing and spreadsheets → Jonas
- 1.11. Workshop Signal Processing
- 8.11. Workshop Signal Processing
- 15.11.
- 22.11. Sonification → Ludwig
- 29.11. Visualisation → Matias (Edward Tufte)
- 6.12. Information Aesthetics → Clemens B.
- 13.12.
- 20.12.
- 10.1.
- 17.1.
- 24.11
- 31.1. Presentation
- 31.3. Documentation submission deadline
- 20% Active participation
- 40% presentation (20%) & artistic examination, concept (20%)
- 40% documentation
- 10% edits in the wiki to pages not related to the class
- Mailinglist Data to Signal
- Visualisierung
- Data Sonification Tumbler
- Sonification in Pd/Max
- Sound to data conversion
- Stephen Wolfram The Personal Analytics of My Life
- The Feltron Report
- keep track of the time spent with different apps
- Jörn Loviscach: Video tutorials: Semantische Audioanalyse
Software we'll use
- S0X - Sound eXchange
- Weka
- LibreOffice
- Sonic Visualiser
- Pure Data
- Processing (What's the english names for the different Brackets? See: wikipedia:Bracket)
- Engauge Digitizer
Dataviz frameworks
- Statistisches Bundesamt
- United Nations Data
- An Official Web Site of the United States Government
- Earthquake, Radiation and Water Data in Japan
- Worldbank Data
- OECD Data
- Wolfram Alpha Example Distance Earth from Sun
- wikipedia:Scientific data archiving
- Yahoo Finance Stock market data
- Sealevel
- Gene data
- quandl
- statista.com
- NetMartketShare Usage Share Statistics for Internet Technologies