Success Criteria
Decide on the scale of the arena for the ants
- how fast are ants moving - how long does it take for the ants to find something
- how fast does this compare to human movements -done
- how many turns/intersections do we want in the environment
- Which areas do we want to reproduce for the ants? (Weimar, Düsseldorf Park,...)
- integrating human movement (projection, laser pointer, little robot avatar,...)
- before the laser cutting part we should present all ideas to the group!
Activities & Order
Think how the avatar of the human can be incorporated
Feedback with human environment so the two are matching
1. Decide on the lay-out/design of the map.
- How fast do human move? How fast the ants? (Test)
- Which areas do we want to reproduce for the ants? (Weimar, Düsseldorf Park,...)
2. How does the board work. (Prototyping)
- technical drawings
- general layout
- cleaning the board
- integrating tracking system
- integrating human movement (projection, laser pointer, little robot avatar,...)
- details
- how to insert the trigger-object
- entrance; docking the nest
- safety plans (air, what if they escape, ...)
- electronics
- material list:
- electronics
- Laserpointers for human avatar
- small robot for human avatar
- projection
- building materials
- wood
- plexiglas (most logic option because of visibility)
- plastic tubes min. 6mm
- screws
- glue (Holzleim and Hot glue)
- electronics
3. Actual Board
- find and prepare maps
- or, ask some architecture students, Katasteramt, googlemaps etc.
- prepare lasercut file
- building the actual environment
The scale is a risk factor because synchronizing can be hard.
- Solve by testing it.
The environment should be ant-friendly and make sure they cannot escape.
- Solve by testing and knowledge about ants.
The ants could die or be very inactive over a long period
- Buying or collecting another (second or third) colony
Integration both gaming ideas to one board could be problematic
Building a lot of board could cost a lot of time
- Focus on one way to play the game.
Time / Schedule
- experiments for the scale: first two weeks
-Combine ideas with people that are dealing with the virtual environment: after 2 weeks
A lot of things are depending on decision of other groups!
- 2 weeks
- scale
- opening/closing mechanics
- human avatar
- material test
-Preparing maps and creating laser cut file
- 2 weeks
-Building the board
- 2 weeks intense work
- can be divided into teams:
- electronics
- actual board
Things done so far
First testing with speed of the ants. A track of 60 cm (without the dead ends, this is just the distance to the goal) with 3 intersections was accomplished in an average time of: 90 sec
Compared to humans: Humans walk 1.5 m/s That would mean that in 90 seconds they can cover a distance of 135 meters. Meaning that every 45 meters you would have a route decision making point.
The frequency of the route-decision making points is something we can use in order to make decisions about how big the field should be in the end.
Reference Material
Building a good Labyrinth [1]
Exampleof a maze we can use [2]