File:2. build simple sequencer.maxpat
Introduction: This is an simple sequencer which I used the" metro 200" which could output a bang message in 200 milliseconds. Then "counter 1 8" could keep count based on bang messages then loop forward from 1 to 8. After that "select 1 2 4 "could output bangs based on input matching then output " 1 2 4" and send messages to "300 500 700" respectively. Then the "cycle~ 440 " could generate a periodic waveform and the Audio could be output.
Introduction: The first step I needed to upload "SoundCool" application then input my Wifi IP and Port to connect my laptop to my cellphone. When we connected them successfully, "udpreceive 2001" would receive messages over a network. Then "route /1/fader1 /1/fader2 /1/fader3 /1/toggle1 /1/push1 /1/push2 /1/push3 ” could match a message's first argument to the route object's own arguments. Because the "fader 1" could only input from 0 to 1. So we need to use "scale" to map values to an output range. Then we controlled the buttons or sliders in our cellphone, the messages would be changed following the operation of our cellhpone.
File:4 led dimmer.maxpat File:Led_dimmer.ino
Introduction: We could send bytes to the board from MAX that could access the computer serial port to control led brightness. Firstly we need "print" to send a serial ports. "serial b 9600" means 9600 bits per second, it is the default for the Arduino, and is perfectly adequate for the majority of users, but we could also change it to other speeds: Serial.begin(2400) would set the Arduino to transmit at 2400 bits per second. I used "Slider" to output values and to control the brightness of LED.
Introduction: This is a very basic patch of playing webcam. Firstly I used the "Metro 30" to set time in 30 milliseconds. Then "jit.grab" could digitize video from the signals into a Jitter matrix. In the end, I used the "jit.pwindow" to display Jitter data and images. Then we could see ourselves from our webcam.
Other Exercises
20.4 "Dimmer and Frequency"File:Class 2-MAX .docx
11.5 Sound Cool Arduino - File:sound cool control LED .maxpat
16.5 Jitter File:animation-ZHenhuan Weng.maxpat
24.5 My idea “Max interactive with Webcam” File:Max interactive with Webcam.maxpat
21.6 Test 1File:Test 1.maxpat
27.6 Test 2File:Webcam-Sound test 1.maxpat
05.7 Homework "Introduction"File:Homework 1 counter, sequencer.maxpat
08.7 Counter and SequencerFile:counter, sequencer.maxpat