Tutorials with Patches Max
I started by making tutorials to understand the software.
- File:Introduction.maxpat (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zix1JNUKZcg&index=3&list=PLVIa8UkRzErsdnC1DEpDy7S9Ss7BhY7nY)
- File:Video 2.maxpat (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzvORiYncbg&list=PLVIa8UkRzErsdnC1DEpDy7S9Ss7BhY7nY&index=4)
- File:Patch 3 maxpat.maxpat (File:Arduino-tutorial-analog-to-dimmer.maxpat)
- File:Idee 1 Max - electrotherapy control with pain.maxpat
- File:Messages.maxpat
- File:Changing Arguments.maxpat
- File:Save patcher's state.maxpat
Informations about sound
My Max Patches : Alarm Clock
I tried to create a program that looked like an alarm clock. The sound is triggered after a certain time. the last program "alarm clock try" is the final program.
My Max Patches : Escape Game
I tried to create a Patch for the code of the escape Game. The player has 6 minutes to find the numbers.
I find the Idea and discover the conditional statement with the video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WHAUonFPsI
Tutorials Arduino
I started by making tutorials to understand the software.
- https://www.arduino.cc/reference/en/language/functions/analog-io/analogwrite/
- https://electronicshobbyists.com/arduino-pwm-tutorial/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iP_f0KY7lx8
- https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub/yqmt8708/how-to-control-led-brightness-539d5b
- https://gist.github.com/ptweir/3444354
- https://diygeeks.org/tutorials/arduino-starter-kit/led-brightness-control-with-arduino-analog-input-analog-output/