GMU:Winning natural habitats/Sabah Khaled Abouelhadid Elsay Hassan

From Medien Wiki

Place Holder Title ( Displaced Plants )

Plants often find themselves displaced due to a variety of natural and unnatural factors, leading to what can be termed as politicized ecosystems. Displaced flowers, for instance, are a clear indication of how plants migrate in response to environmental changes. By examining their survival mechanisms, we can see their potential for growth even in new and challenging conditions. This raises the question: where are our flowers coming from? Many plants grow on their own, adapting to new environments as they are moved from place to place, sometimes deliberately by humans. Birds and animals also play a crucial role in transporting seeds, further aiding in the migration and establishment of plants in new areas. This movement of plants can be speculated upon in terms of where, why, and how it occurs. This movement of plants can be speculated upon in terms of where, why, and how it occurs.

From the perspective of a plant, its journey might be a tale of survival and adaptation, akin to human migration influenced by political factors. Just as humans are often displaced due to political migration, so too are plants, moved from country to country in search of exotic beauty, which in turn creates new ecosystems. This phenomenon is deeply intertwined with the history of colonialism and capitalism, where the desire for exotic plants in one’s own home played a significant role. This transplantation not only altered the landscapes but also led to the creation of new ecosystems + (invasive species), fundamentally changing the biodiversity of regions involved. The story of plant displacement is a reflection of broader socio-political dynamics and historical movements.


Research Direction

1 - One approach is to trace the origins of the flowers we planted in our wetland, examining where they came from, how the species may have evolved over time, and if completely new species grow. Highlighting how colonialism and capitalism have shaped plant displacement and the creation of new ecosystems. Incorporating historical documents, maps, and images that trace the movement of plant species across continents.


2- Focus on the ecological consequences of plant displacement, such as the introduction of invasive species and changes in biodiversity.

Possible Outcomes

1- A soil carpet displaced in space, where visitors can plant seeds that will germinate over the course of the exhibition.

