Title (alt): 1+2+3D: Print Your Idea!
Lecturer(s): Su Li
Credits/SWS: 6 ECTS, 2 SWS
Maximum Number of Participants: 15
Course Language: English
First meeting: TBA
Date: Every second Tuesday, 13:30 until 16:45 h
Venue: Marienstraße 7b, Room tba
Description (EN)
In this course we will talk about the basics about rapid prototyping and additive manufacturing, addressing all steps of the design and production process, from the basics of 3D modeling and prototype design to techniques for 3D printing. Participants are invited to bring their fantastic ideas and can create their own 3D-printed objects, which can take the form of anything from a miniature model or sculpture to a precision component for a wearable device, tangible object or broader physical computing project.
Description (DE)
In diesem Kurs werden wir Grundlagen des Rapid Prototyping und additive Fertigungsmethoden behandeln. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf 3D-Druck.
- An Introduction to rapid prototyping and additive manufacturing.
- Basics and history of 3D Printing.
- Basics about some 3D modeling softwares: Fusion 360; Rhino; Blender…
- Basics about 3D printers.
- Print your idea!
Admission requirements / Voraussetzung zur Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung
This is an introductory course with no technical pre-requisites. Your Passion!!!
Registration procedure / Anmeldung
Please send your application until Friday, April 8 by email with the Subject 123PrintYourIdea to: lisu.idesign (ät) gmail, com
- Name, surname
- Study program and semester (Studienprogramm und Fachsemester)
- Matriculation number (Matrikelnummer)
- Valid E-mail address @uni-weimar.de
- Short sentence on why you want to join this course
Evaluation / Geforderte Prüfungsleistung zur Erlangung eines Leistungsnachweises
Active participation; Final 3D printing models; Documentation.
Eligible participants / Zielgruppe
Graduates enrolled in the Faculties of Media, Gestaltung and in the MediaArchitecture program
Termine des Semesters
- xx.xx.2000: First Meeting
- tba
- tba