Group A
Jonas Jülch
float rotationVal = -0.02;
void setup(){
size(1000, 600);
void draw(){
void pattern(){
pushMatrix(); for(int i = 0; i < 10 ; i++){ stroke(22,188,229); pattern1(); stroke(22,100,229); pattern2(); translate(0,100); } popMatrix(); pushMatrix(); for(int i = 0; i < 10 ; i++){ stroke(100,255,61); pattern3(); stroke(100,160,61); pattern4(); translate(100,0); }
void pattern1(){
float mid = width * 0.5; for(int i = 0; i < 10 ; i++){
line (0,10*i, mid, 0); line (0,10*i, mid, 100); pushMatrix(); rotate(rotationVal); popMatrix();
void pattern2(){
float mid = width * 0.5; for(int i = 0; i < 10 ; i++){
line (mid,0, 1000, 10*i); line (mid,100, 1000 , 10*i); pushMatrix(); rotate(rotationVal); popMatrix();
void pattern3(){
float midy = height * 0.5; for(int i = 0; i < 10 ; i++){
line (10*i,0, 0, midy); line (10*i,0 , 100, midy); pushMatrix(); rotate(rotationVal); popMatrix();
void pattern4(){
float midy = height * 0.5; for(int i = 0; i < 10 ; i++){
line (0, midy, 10*i, 600); line (100, midy, 10*i, 600); pushMatrix(); rotate(rotationVal); popMatrix();
Andre Faupel
based on the patch by jonas
you can find the code here
Gideon Bielewski
//sets the rotationspeed of the pattern
float rotationVal = 0.5;
//these numbers change the complexity of the pattern
float parts = 2; //take a number between 1-10
float parts2 = 2; //take a number between 1-10
//these numbers change the complexity of the form
float manipulation = 100; //take a number between 1-200
float manipulation2 = 200; //take a number between 1-200
//changes the impact of a mouseClick
int mouseVal = 60;
//mouseVal > value
//sets the starting transformation value
int value = 30;
void setup(){
size(1000, 500,P3D);
//frameRate = 24;
void draw(){
translate(width*0.5, height*0.5, mouseX);
for(int i = 0; i < 10 ; i++){
rotate(rotationVal* -mouseX/20);
translate(0, 10);
rotate(rotationVal* -mouseY/20);
translate(0, 10, mouseY/20);
void mouseClicked() {
if (value == mouseVal) {
value = 0;
} else {
value = mouseVal;
void pattern(){
for(int i = 0; i < parts2 ; i++){
void pattern1(){
for(int i = 0; i < parts ; i++){
line (0,10*i, 100, 0);
line (0,10*i, 100, 100);
Group B
void setup() {
size(500, 500);
void draw() {
if (mousePressed) { background(0); } else { background(255); }
float o=40; float p=15;
for (int x=0; x<500; x+=2*o+2*o*sin (PI/6)) { for (int y=0; y<500; y+=2*o*cos (PI/6)) {
drawHexagon(x, y, p); drawHexagon(x+o+o*sin(PI/6), y+o*cos(PI/6), p); } }
for (int x=0; x<500; x+=2*o+2*o*sin (PI/6)) { for (int y=0; y<500; y+=2*o*cos (PI/6)) {
drawHexagon(x, y, o); drawHexagon(x+o+o*sin(PI/6), y+o*cos(PI/6), o); } }
void drawHexagon(float x, float y, float radius) {
if (mousePressed) { stroke(255); } else { stroke(0); }
pushMatrix(); translate(x, y); beginShape(); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { pushMatrix(); float angle = PI*i/3; vertex(cos(angle) * radius, sin(angle) * radius); popMatrix(); } endShape(CLOSE); popMatrix();
Dhora Tego
float r, g, b;
void setup(){
size(500,500); background(255);
void draw(){
for(int x=0; x<500; x+=60+60*sin(PI/6)){ for(int y=0; y<500; y+=60*cos(PI/6)){ drawHexagon(x, y, 30); drawHexagon(x+30+30*sin(PI/6), y+30*cos(PI/6), 30); }
} }
void drawHexagon(float x, float y, float radius) {
pushMatrix(); translate(x, y); beginShape(); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { pushMatrix(); float angle = PI*i/3; vertex(cos(angle) * radius, sin(angle) * radius); popMatrix(); } endShape(CLOSE);[ popMatrix(); fill (mouseX, (mouseX+mouseY), mouseY); ellipse ( x, y, 40, 40 ); rect ( x, y, 10, 10 );
Afroditi Manari
color blue=color (22, 131, 201);
void setup() {
size(500, 500);
void draw() {
background(blue); noFill(); float o=40; float p=10;
for (int x=0; x<500; x+=2*o+2*o*sin (PI/6)) { for (int y=0; y<500; y+=2*o*cos (PI/6)) {
if (mouseX <250) { drawHexagon(x, y, p); drawHexagon(x+o+o*sin(PI/6), y+o*cos(PI/6), p); } else { drawHexagon(x, y, p+10); drawHexagon(x+o+o*sin(PI/6), y+o*cos(PI/6), p+10); } } }
for (int x=0; x<500; x+=2*o+2*o*sin (PI/6)) { for (int y=0; y<500; y+=2*o*cos (PI/6)) {
drawHexagon(x, y, o); drawHexagon(x+o+o*sin(PI/6), y+o*cos(PI/6), o); } }
void mousePressed() {
blue +=10;
void drawHexagon(float x, float y, float radius) {
if (mousePressed) { stroke(255); } else { stroke(0); }
pushMatrix(); translate(x, y); beginShape(); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { pushMatrix(); float angle = PI*i/3; vertex(cos(angle) * radius, sin(angle) * radius); popMatrix(); } endShape(CLOSE); popMatrix();
void setup(){
size(500,500); background(255);
void draw(){
if (mousePressed);{ background(129, 130, 87); noFill(); strokeWeight(4); stroke(174, 221, 60); }
float o=60;
for(int x=0; x<500; x+=2*o+2*o*sin(PI/6)){ for(int y=0; y<500; y+=2*o*cos(PI/6)){ drawHexagon(x, y, o); drawHexagon(x+o+o*sin(PI/6), y+o*cos(PI/6), o); }
} }
void drawHexagon(float x, float y, float radius) {
pushMatrix(); translate(x, y); beginShape(); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { pushMatrix(); float angle = PI*i/3; vertex(cos(angle) * radius, sin(angle) * radius); popMatrix(); } endShape(CLOSE); popMatrix(); fill (mouseX, (mouseX+mouseY), mouseY); ellipse ( x, y, 40, 40 );
float dimension = mouseX; if (mousePressed) { triangle (dimension,dimension,dimension,dimension); } else { stroke (0); fill (255); }
Group C
Rotating Rect
float rotationVal = 0.00;
void setup(){
size(700, 700); rectMode(CENTER); frameRate(30); smooth(); noStroke();
} void draw(){
float C = mouseX * 0.1; float S = mouseY * 0.05; background(255); stroke(255); strokeWeight(S * 0.1); translate(width * 0.5, height * 0.5); fill(45 + C); rotate( rotationVal ); rect(0, 0, 452, 452, 20+S); fill(65 + C); rotate( rotationVal ); rect(0, 0, 320, 320, 18+S); fill(85 + C); rotate( rotationVal ); rect(0, 0, 226, 226, 16+S); fill(105 + C); rotate( rotationVal ); rect(0, 0, 160, 160, 14+S); fill(125 + C); rotate( rotationVal ); rect(0, 0, 113, 113, 12+S); fill(145 + C); rotate( rotationVal ); rect(0, 0, 80, 80, 10+S); fill(165 + C); rotate( rotationVal ); rect(0, 0, 57, 57, 8+S); fill(185 + C); rotate( rotationVal ); rect(0, 0, 40, 40, 6+S); rotationVal += 0.01;
float rotationVal = 0.00;
void setup(){
size(700, 700); rectMode(CENTER); frameRate(20); noFill(); strokeWeight(3); smooth();
void mousePressed() {
void mouseReleased() {
void draw(){
background(0); translate(width * 0.5, height * 0.5); float dim = mouseX;
stroke(192,255,62); rotate( rotationVal ); rect(0, 0, dim*0.1, dim*0.1);
stroke(0,255,127); rotate( rotationVal ); rect(0, 0, dim*0.3, dim*0.3);
stroke(127,255,0); rotate( rotationVal ); rect(0, 0, dim*0.5, dim*0.5); stroke(0,238,0); rotate( rotationVal ); rect(0, 0, dim*0.7, dim*0.7); stroke(179,238,58); rotate( rotationVal ); rect(0, 0, dim*0.9, dim*0.9); stroke(202,255,112); rotate( rotationVal ); rect(0, 0, dim*1.1, dim*1.1); stroke(0,238,118); rotate( rotationVal ); rect(0, 0, dim*1.3, dim*1.3); stroke(154,205,50); rotate( rotationVal ); rect(0, 0, dim*1.5, dim*1.5); rotationVal -= 0.007;
Luanbo Zhang
float rotationVal = 0; int distance = 0; void setup(){
size(1000, 1000); rectMode(CENTER); frameRate(25); smooth();
} void mousePressed(){
// when mouse is pressed, the pattern will become bigger distance = 150 ;
} void mouseReleased(){
distance = 0;
void draw(){
int x = mouseX; int y = mouseY-500; int scale = distance + y; //with mouseY change the scale float a = random(-500, 500); float b = random(-500, 500);
rotationVal += 0.0001 * x; //with mouseX change the speed of rotation background(40,60,110); translate(width * 0.5, height * 0.5); //mouse effect stroke(180, 180, 0); line(mouseX-500, mouseY-500, pmouseX-500, pmouseY-500); //shining stars in background fill(180,180,0); ellipse(a, b, 5, 5); ellipse(b, a, 2, 2);
//squares noStroke(); fill(255, 80, 80); rotate( 1 * rotationVal ); //clockwise rect(0, 0, 452 + scale, 452 + scale, 20);
fill(255, 128, 20); rotate( -2 * rotationVal ); //anticlockwise rect(0, 0, 320 + 0.8 * scale, 320 + 0.8 * scale, 18);
fill(255,215,30); rotate( 2 * rotationVal ); rect(0, 0, 226 + 0.6 * scale, 226 + 0.6 * scale, 16); fill(124,200 ,0); rotate( -2 *rotationVal ); rect(0, 0, 160 + 0.4 * scale, 160 + 0.4 * scale, 14); fill(64, 200, 180); rotate( 2 * rotationVal ); rect(0, 0, 113 + 0.2 * scale, 113 + 0.2 * scale, 12); fill(30, 144, 230); rotate( -2 * rotationVal ); rect(0, 0, 80 + 0.1 * scale, 80 + 0.1 * scale, 10); fill(65, 105, 200); rotate( 2 * rotationVal ); rect(0, 0, 57, 57, 8); fill(123, 104, 230); rotate( -2 * rotationVal ); rect(0, 0, 40, 40, 6); }
Group D
Maria Estel
void setup () { size(displayWidth, displayHeight); }
void draw () {
if (mousePressed) { background(255,120,0); pushMatrix(); translate(1600,700); for (int i=10; i<width; i+=1){ rectMode(CENTER); rotate(mouseY); rect(i,i,20,20); fill(20,20,20); stroke(0); } } else {
pushMatrix(); translate(250,250); for (int i=10; i<width; i+=1){
rectMode(CENTER); rotate(mouseY); rect(i,i,20,20); fill(255,120,0); stroke(0); }
popMatrix(); }
Carina Weiß
void setup () { size(displayWidth, displayHeight); }
void draw () { background(0);
pushMatrix(); translate(1500,500); for (int i=10; i<width; i+=1){
rectMode(CENTER); rotate(mouseY); rect(i,i,20,20); fill(0); stroke(255,215,0); } popMatrix();
pushMatrix(); translate(450,250); for (int i=10; i<150; i+=1){
rectMode(CENTER); rotate(mouseY); rect(i,i,20,20); fill(0); stroke(255); } popMatrix();
pushMatrix(); translate(250,650); for (int i=10; i<150; i+=1){
rectMode(CENTER); rotate(mouseY); rect(i,i,20,20); fill(0); stroke(255); } popMatrix();
pushMatrix(); translate(1000,400); for (int i=10; i<100; i+=1){
rectMode(CENTER); rotate(mouseY); rect(i,i,20,20); fill(0); stroke(255); } popMatrix();
pushMatrix(); translate(800,600); for (int i=10; i<100; i+=1){
rectMode(CENTER); rotate(mouseY); rect(i,i,20,20); fill(0); stroke(255); } popMatrix();
pushMatrix(); translate(1100,700); for (int i=10; i<100; i+=1){
rectMode(CENTER); rotate(mouseY); rect(i,i,20,20); fill(0); stroke(255); } popMatrix(); }
Fernando Millan
void setup () { size(2000, 1000); } void draw () { background(20, 20, 20); float Mouse = 5+(mouseX/100); float Distance = mouseX; float MY = mouseY*.90;
if (mousePressed) { noStroke(); } else { stroke(0); } pushMatrix(); translate(666, height*0.5); for (int i=30; i<MY; i+=5) { for (int F=0; F<Mouse; F+=1) { if ( i % 2 == 0) { fill(100, 50); } else { fill(255, 0, 0, 50); } rectMode(CENTER); rotate(radians(F)); rect(i, i, 30, 30); } } popMatrix(); //println (mouseY); //println (mouseX); }
Rubab Paracha
void setup () {
size (800,800);
void draw (){
element ();
void element () {
frameRate(3); background (0); stroke(0);
pushMatrix(); translate(width * 0.5, width * 0.5 ); for(int i= 3; i < width; i++){
rotate(mouseX * 0.0005); rect(i,i,30,30); fill(random(255),random(255),random(255), 150); } popMatrix(); }
void setup () {
size (800,600); //(displayWidth,displayHeight);
void draw (){
background (255); translate (width * 0.08, height * 0.08 ); element1 (); translate (width * 0.25, height * 0.25 ); element2 (); translate (width * 0.25, height * 0.25 ); element1 (); translate (width * 0.25, height * 0.25 ); element2 ();
void element1 () {
frameRate(4); stroke(0);
pushMatrix(); for(int i= 1; i < width/5; i++){
rotate(mouseX * 0.001); ellipse(i,i,20,20); fill(0,150); } popMatrix(); }
void element2 () {
frameRate(4); stroke(0);
pushMatrix(); for(int i= 2; i < width/2; i++){
rotate(-mouseY * 0.001); rect(i,i,10,10); fill(0, 150); } popMatrix(); }
void setup () {
size(displayWidth, displayHeight); }
int x=1;
void draw () { background(20,20,10); frameRate(10); pushMatrix(); translate(250,250); for (int i=20; i<width; i+=1){
rectMode(CENTER); rotate(x+=1); rect(i,0,10,10); fill(255,20,0); stroke(0); } for (int i=10; i<width; i+=1){
rectMode(CENTER); rotate(mouseY * 0.0001); rect(i,i,50,50); fill(255,120,0); stroke(0); }
popMatrix(); } boolean sketchFullScreen() {
return true;
void setup () {
size(displayWidth, displayHeight,P3D); }
int x=10;
void draw () { background(20,20,10); frameRate(20); pushMatrix(); translate(250,250); for (int i=20; i<width; i+=1){
rectMode(CENTER); rotate(x+=1); rect(i,0,10,10); fill(255,20,0); stroke(0); } for (int i=1; i<width; i+=1){
rectMode(CENTER); rotateY(mouseY * 0.0001); rect(i,i,50,50); fill(255,120,0); stroke(0); }
popMatrix(); } boolean sketchFullScreen() {
return true;