Lina Louise Wolff

From Medien Wiki

GMU: Cybernetic objects // lectured by Ursula Damm & (Georg Trogemann) // WISE2024/25

Summary about my project


I fart, you fart, everyone farts. Because we have to.

When we eat, our body dismantles the food in our digestion system, so it is easier to get it out again. During this process the gasses methane and carbon dioxide are getting produced. Depending on what we ate they can be stronger, which makes us uncomfortable and wanting to release the pressure. So we fart.We can not see the gasses but smell them and in most cases they smell like something spoiled, which of course is not pleasant to share with the public. Even tho it is a regular procedure our society claims that woman do not fart and if they do so, it smells like flowers.Regarding to this bullshit, I am creating an interactive installation, testing the shame towards farting of the audience.

The installation exists out of three parts connecting and supporting each other like a circulation.

First part: Intervention of the audience. Using the provided tools (fart pillow, smelling sensor etc.) the life data gets created and send to the screen.

Second part: The screen then visualizes the data in form of a lilie flower, which stands for cleaness and fertility. The Lillie flower can get created thru a L-System or other ways in touch designer.

Third part: Depending on the continuouinity of the audience the flower is growing and developing. If nothing happens, or the shame is to high, the flower won´t grow, so the and faints. Next to the screen or somewhere on the screen there is a counter of how often which tool is used to create the data for the flower.


Mindmap .png

Set up
Part 1- Intervention with audience:

- To create data from farts-> olfactory sensors

Sensors I could use for Arduino:



Part 2 - screen installation

- Screen/ Lightbox? -> connected to computer via HDMI or something else

- fake grass

- real Lillie flower?

- (printer)


- Counter that visualizes the number of interventions

Things that I need to think about:

- how to connect Arduino?

-should I do multiple (microphone, sensor, fart pillow) or focus on one?

-olfactory sensor or sound sensor?

- should I include smell? of Lillies or fart? -> siehe Sessel Toolas Visitenkarte