
From Medien Wiki

Fomes fomentarius

Doku 29.04. Preparing Mushroom

Work under the flow hood

Mushroom samples

Pressure cooking

Preparing Rice

How to work under the flow hood

5. Artworks


Studio Roosegaarde: "GLOWING NATURE"


Why / Motivation

Create an experience where the visitor meets and sees the beauty of nature in a unique encounter.

How / Plan

By artificially reproducing the most light-emitting algae in the world, which is 700 million years old and adding a custom polymer shell.

What / Execution

Interactive art installation of a 20 to 50 m2 walk consisting of light-emitting algae.


Eduardo Kac: "Genesis 1999"

Why / Motivation

Finding the final language

"explores the intricate relationship between biology, belief systems, information technology, dialogical interaction, ethics, and the internet. "

How / Plan

translate a bible quote into Morse and then into Gene ( ATCG) and integrate it into bacteria cells.

What / Execution

create a 4-dimensional installation. User manipulate bacteria with UV light,

and alternating cultures are shown on screen.


Tissue Culture and Art Project: "Victimless Leather"

Why / Motivation

‘victimless utopia - lab-grown  materials that explore the potential to develop consumer products

How / Plan

Grown from immortalized cell lines on a biodegradable polymer matrix in the form of a miniature stitch-less ‘jacket’

What / Execution

This leather is cultured inside a custom-made perfusion chamber, inspired by the organ perfusion pump and has an automated system that drips into the polymers and feeds the cells with a nutrient media.


Liquid Crystal Hear Beat

Why / Motivation

Revealing the underlying/ hidden beauty in a product we constantly use in our everyday lives and are emotionally attached to.


Manipulating an LC-Ester with alternating current. The current is subject to the visitor's heartbeat, which is recorded by a sensor.


Creating a Video Installation - Observing & Recording with a microscope