Mandal, Ashin: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 07:20, 1 October 2014

In the course Administrating Data, we started off with making our own landing page design for the Fingies platform and then implementing the same using HTML.

Here is what my Landing Page design looked like:

Our next step in the course was to start understanding Content Management Systems and we went about this by actually building one ourselves. We used PHP to update the static data on our website and each of us were given separate online text editor plugins to experiment with. The one I got was markItUp and this is the link to it.

Here is a screenshot of the Admin page that I implemented using the plugin:

Next we went on to enlist and compare all popular content management systems and how each one of them had their own positives and negatives. After a thorough brainstorming session, we finally banked upon Typo3 and started making a custom back-end for the website using the same.

Initially much time was spent in installing and setting up Typo3 in each of our systems, but later it was decided that it would be best if all of us were editing and accessing the same admin panel. However, it was a learning experience to setup Typo3 and the entire website on a local server by importing the entire database and folder structure.