GMU:Wild Type/Benjamin Voßler: Difference between revisions

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In Grammar School a friends of mine and I, we designed a set of letters to write encrypted letters, which, if our teacher find, he cannot read.<br> This font is an tribute to this school font.  <br>  
In Grammar School a friends of mine and I, we designed a set of letters to write encrypted letters, which, if our teacher find, he cannot read.<br> This font is an tribute to this school font.  <br>  
This font has been designed with Adobe Illustrator. I spent 2 days to import the .svg's into Processing and then generate the font out of it. But I found no way. <br>
This font has been designed with Adobe Illustrator. I spent 2 days to import the .svg's into Processing and then generate the font out of it. But I found no way. <br>
So I generated it with:
So I generated it with:

Revision as of 17:51, 19 November 2015

Benjamin Voßler

— Benjamin Voßler 15:14, 27 October 2015 (UTC)

Letter G/g

Up G fine.png
Lo g fine.png
Up G bold.png
Lo g bold.png

I decided to design the letter "G" for any reason.
I added a slider and a button from the controlP5 Library. Maybe that's the reason why the sketch isn't working properly on "".


import controlP5.*; ControlP5 cp5; Slider abc;

int posX = 350; float radiusKlein = 200; float radiusGross = 350;

float linienStaerke = 1; float sliderValue = 0.1;

boolean buttonState1 = true; boolean buttonState2 = false;

void setup() {

 size(450, 450);
 cp5 = new ControlP5(this);
 // add a horizontal sliders, the value of this slider will be linked
 // to variable 'sliderValue' 
   .setPosition(10, 10)
   .setSize(100, 10)
   .setRange(0.5, 60)
   .setPosition(10, 25)
   .setSize(100, 20)


void draw() {

 linienStaerke = sliderValue;
 ////////////  g  ////////////////
 if (buttonState1 == true) {
   translate(350, 50);
   ellipse(0, 0, radiusKlein, radiusKlein);
   line(350, 50, 350, 300);
   arc((posX - 200/2), 300, 200, 200, 0, HALF_PI*1.4);
 ////////////  G  ////////////////
 if (buttonState2 == true) {
   arc(225, 225, radiusGross, radiusGross, 0, PI*1.75);
   line(200, 225, 400, 225);


// change state of buttonA for lower g public void switchCapitals(int theValue) {

 println("a button event from buttonA: "+theValue);
 buttonState1 = !buttonState1;
 buttonState2 = !buttonState2;


Encrypted School Font

In Grammar School a friends of mine and I, we designed a set of letters to write encrypted letters, which, if our teacher find, he cannot read.
This font is an tribute to this school font.
This font has been designed with Adobe Illustrator. I spent 2 days to import the .svg's into Processing and then generate the font out of it. But I found no way.
So I generated it with:


Manipulating Fonts

I tried to manipulate the font with Geomerative, but somehow it could't be detected as a font. I spent another 2 days to figure out why, but I found no solution.