GMU:Wild Type/Constantin: Difference between revisions

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I chose to recreate the letter C, cause it's one of my initials.  
I chose to recreate the letter C, cause it's one of my initials.  

<br style="clear:both;">

* Image of the letter
* Image of the letter
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This is a very simple Code-Font. It's just for Capital Letters and there are rectangles from A to Z. These Rectangles become smaller from A to Z. A is the biggest and Z a dot.
This is a very simple Code-Font. It's just for Capital Letters and there are rectangles from A to Z. These Rectangles become smaller from A to Z. A is the biggest and Z a dot.

<br style="clear:both;">

* Image Simple Font
* Image Simple Font
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This programm "distort" the font "BEBAS" with triangles. There triangles on the contour of 5 origonal letters of this font. With the position of the mouse u change in x-coordinates the size of the triangle and in y-coordinates the y-position of the indiviual retangles. If you have your right position u can click any key to save this font.
This programm "distort" the font "BEBAS" with triangles. There triangles on the contour of 5 origonal letters of this font. With the position of the mouse u change in x-coordinates the size of the triangle and in y-coordinates the y-position of the indiviual retangles. If you have your right position u can click any key to save this font.


* Images Font Distor Font
* Images Font Distor Font
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=== Ani C ===
== Ani C ==

<br style="clear:both;">

<source lang="java">
<source lang="java">
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=== Robo Flowers ===
== Robo Flowers ==

<br style="clear:both;">

=== 3D Letters ===
== 3D Letters ==
<br style="clear:both;">

== Bubble Type ==
This is my final Project for this Course. You can see it [ here].

Revision as of 20:17, 7 April 2016

Letter Homework

I chose to recreate the letter C, cause it's one of my initials.

Letter C Constantin.JPG

  • Image of the letter

Source Code

void setup() {
  size(400, 400);

void draw() {

  int midsize = 200;
  int letter_height = 180;
  int letter_width = 150;
  int thickness = 30;
  int color_bg = 0;
  int color_letter = 255;
  int line_width = 90;



  arc(midsize, midsize, letter_width, letter_height, PI-2*QUARTER_PI, PI+2*QUARTER_PI, OPEN);
  line(midsize, midsize+letter_height/2, midsize+line_width, midsize+letter_height/2);
  line(midsize, midsize-letter_height/2, midsize+line_width, midsize-letter_height/2);
  line(midsize+line_width+0.5*thickness, midsize+letter_height/2-0.5*line_width, midsize+line_width, midsize+letter_height/2+0.5*line_width);
  line(midsize+line_width+0.5*thickness, midsize-letter_height/2-0.5*line_width, midsize+line_width, midsize-letter_height/2+0.5*line_width);

Homework 02

This is a very simple Code-Font. It's just for Capital Letters and there are rectangles from A to Z. These Rectangles become smaller from A to Z. A is the biggest and Z a dot.

Simplefont const.JPG

  • Image Simple Font

Source Code Simple Font

//import library
import fontastic.*;

// new Font
Fontastic f;
int version = 0;

// Settings
void setup() {
  size(600, 300);
  createFont(); // create the font

// Zeichnenfunktion
void draw() {  
  PFont myFont = createFont(f.getTTFfilename(), 64); // reading the font that has just been created

  textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
  text(Fontastic.alphabet, 0, Fontastic.alphabet.length/2, width/2, height/3);
  text(Fontastic.alphabet, Fontastic.alphabet.length/2, Fontastic.alphabet.length, width/2, height/3*2);


void createFont() {


  if (f != null) { f.cleanup(); }

  f = new Fontastic(this, "simpleFont" + nf(version,4));

  for (int i=0; i<Fontastic.alphabet.length; i++) {
    char c = Fontastic.alphabet[i];
    PVector[] points = new PVector[4];
    int maxwidth = 512-i*19;
    int maxheight = 1024-i*39;
    points[0] = new PVector(0, 0);
    points[1] = new PVector(maxwidth, 0);
    points[2] = new PVector(maxwidth, maxheight);
    points[3] = new PVector(0, maxheight);



This programm "distort" the font "BEBAS" with triangles. There triangles on the contour of 5 origonal letters of this font. With the position of the mouse u change in x-coordinates the size of the triangle and in y-coordinates the y-position of the indiviual retangles. If you have your right position u can click any key to save this font.

Font distor const 03.JPG
Font distor const 01.JPG
Font distor const 02.JPG
  • Images Font Distor Font

Source Code Simple Font

import fontastic.*;
import geomerative.*;

Fontastic f;
RFont font;

PFont myFont;
int version = 0;
int charWidth = 512;
boolean fontBuilt = false;

void setup() {

  size(800, 800);

  // always initialize the library in setup
  // load the initial font
  font = new RFont("BEBAS.TTF",150);

  // get the points on the curve's shape
  // set style and segment resultion


void draw() {


  int numberOfLetters = 5; // the number of letters to display
  for (int i=0; i<numberOfLetters; i++) {
    translate(width/2, height/2);
    scale(charWidth/500f / 5f);
    translate(-(numberOfLetters -1)*charWidth / 2 + i*charWidth, 0);
    translate(-charWidth/2, charWidth/2);

  if (fontBuilt) {
    textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
    textSize(charWidth / 5f);
    text(new String(subset(Fontastic.alphabet, 0, numberOfLetters)), width/2, height*0.6);

void initFont() {

  f = new Fontastic(this, "font_distor" + nf(version,4)); // create new Fontastic object

  // add letters to the font, without adding glyph shapes
  for (char c : Fontastic.alphabet) {   
    f.addGlyph(c);                      // add all uppercase letters from the alphabet 

  f.setAdvanceWidth(int(charWidth * 1.1));


void updateFont() {
  for (char c : Fontastic.alphabet) {

    RShape shp = font.toShape(c);
    RPoint[] pnts = shp.getPoints();


    for (int i=0; i<pnts.length-1; i++) {

      RPoint p = pnts[i];
      PVector[] points = new PVector[4];

      float circleSize = 40;

      int resolution = 3;
      points = new PVector[resolution];
      for (int j=0; j<resolution; j++) {
        float angle = TWO_PI/(resolution * 1f) * j;
        float x = p.x * 5 + sin(angle) * circleSize;
        float y = -p.y * 5 +  cos(angle) * circleSize;
        y -= (mouseY - height/4f) / height/4f * noise(i * 2+millis()/1000000000000f) * 8000; 
        points[j] = new PVector(x, y);
        circleSize = circleSize-(mouseX-mouseX*0.85);




void createFont() {

  f.buildFont(); // write ttf file
  f.cleanup();   // delete all glyph files that have been created while building the font
  fontBuilt = true;

  myFont = createFont(f.getTTFfilename(), 200); // set the font to be used for rendering

  initFont();   // and make a new font right away


// A function to preview a glyph in Processing

void renderGlyphSolid(char c) {
  FContour[] contours = f.getGlyph(c).getContoursArray();

  for (int j=0; j<contours.length; j++) {

    FPoint[] points = f.getGlyph(c).getContour(j).getPointsArray();

    if (points.length > 0) { //just to be sure    
      // Draw the solid shape in Processing
      for (int i=0; i<points.length; i++) {
        FPoint p1 = points[i];
        FPoint p2 = points[(i+1)%points.length];
        if (p1.hasControlPoint2() && p2.hasControlPoint1()) {
          if (i == 0) { 
            vertex(points[0].x, -points[0].y);
          bezierVertex(p1.controlPoint2.x, -p1.controlPoint2.y, p2.controlPoint1.x, -p2.controlPoint1.y, p2.x, -p2.y);
        else {
          vertex(p1.x, -p1.y);


void keyPressed() {

  if (key == 's') {

Ani C

Constantin Letter.gif

import de.looksgood.ani.*;
import de.looksgood.ani.easing.*;

float arcbegin = PI-2*QUARTER_PI;
float arcend = PI+2*QUARTER_PI;
float newbegin = 0;
float newend = PI;
int line_width = 0;
int thickline = 0;
int thickserif = 0;

Ani linesAni;
Ani serifAni;
Ani linethickAni;

void setup() {
  size(400, 400);
  linesAni = new Ani(this, 2, 3, "line_width", 90, Ani.LINEAR);
  linethickAni = new Ani(this, 1, 3, "thickline", 30, Ani.LINEAR);
  serifAni = new Ani(this, 1.5, 3, "thickserif", 15, Ani.LINEAR);
void draw() {
  int midsize = 200;
  int letter_height = 180;
  int letter_width = 150;
  int thickness = 30;
  int color_bg = 0;
  int color_letter = 255;
  arc(midsize, midsize, letter_width, letter_height, arcbegin, arcend, OPEN);
  line(midsize, midsize+letter_height/2, midsize+line_width, midsize+letter_height/2);
  line(midsize, midsize-letter_height/2, midsize+line_width, midsize-letter_height/2);
  line(midsize+line_width+0.5*thickness, midsize+letter_height/2-0.5*line_width, midsize+line_width, midsize+letter_height/2+0.5*line_width);
  line(midsize+line_width+0.5*thickness, midsize-letter_height/2-0.5*line_width, midsize+line_width, midsize-letter_height/2+0.5*line_width);

void mousePressed() {
  if (mouseButton == LEFT) {
    Ani.from(this, 3, "arcbegin", newbegin, Ani.BOUNCE_IN_OUT);
    Ani.from(this, 3, "arcend", newend, Ani.BOUNCE_IN_OUT);

//, duration, variable name, target position, easing);

Robo Flowers

Robo Flower 01.png
Robo Flower 02.png

3D Letters

3DLetters Const 00.png
3DLetters Const 01.png
3DLetters Const 02.png

Bubble Type

This is my final Project for this Course. You can see it here.