GMU:Synbio supermarket

From Medien Wiki

WE-HD iGEM2010: The Synthetic Biology Supermarket (working title)

  • Concept / WORK IN PROCESS

The synthetic biology supermarket 9/11

the idea is to create an supermarket, that sells products, that are made possible through synthetic biology.

The concept of a supermarket is used as an conceptual umbrella to give a insight on the possibilties offered by syn. bio.

the aim behind that is to make synthetic biology more accessable and understandable the target group are 'ordinary people' hence the vehicle of the supermarket, as a metaphor everyone can relate to.

about 30 synthetic biology 'products' shall be developed about a third of them as from existing previous igem competions

aim is to engage the thinking about synthetic biology to inspire the debate about that folowing the idey, that a well informed person will not face synthetic biology with anopinion that is based on irrational emotions, but on facts.

engaging thought through different acceptance levels of different products -some will be concidered esiribla, useful, neccessary, other not as neccessary, but potentionally nice to have, or at east interesting. and some shall even be not desirable, or focussing more on the negative implications of synthetic biology

the concept is based on xxx pillars

    • a web based virtual supermarket / shop in which the products are for sale
    • there are no real products to buy
    • one of the 'products' will be realised as a wet lab project together with the heidelberg igem team.
    • a radio event during the igem competition


Public Relations

  • Christian (Head), Vanessa, Dong, Xiaorui, Jiayuan, Laura (Scientific Advisor)

Scientific Bridging WE-HD

  • Dominik


  • Andreas (Head)


  • Stories
  • Sonification Process
    • Ursula (recruiting), Jan-Ulrich
  • Commercials
    • Mila (support)
  • Interviews

Representation at iGEM

  • iGEM.FM Radio Station

Presentation at iGEM

Shop Concept/Format


  • Mila, Christian

Web Shop

  • Ursula (tech. recruiting), Marcus (text), Bastian?

Grafik Design

  • Jiayuan, Vanessa, Xiaorui

Representation at iGEM

  • Mila (Head)
  • Ideas
    • Shop
    • Vending Machine
    • Shopping Cart
    • Bar Code
    • Shop
    • Video

Product line

  • Gathering all together about 30+ products
  • Making already developed project ideas shelf ready
  • Developing new projects leading to products
  • Research and recruit existing project/ product
    • Integration into our product range

Projects in Developement

New Projects

Existing iGEM Projects

  • Screening past iGEM Wikis
    • Marcus, Jan D.
  • Contacting the Authors
  • Integration into product range
    • Dong

Open Patform / Call for Products

  • Setting up a wiki page
  • Communication with authors of interesting projects
  • Integration into product range



  • Students
    • Andreas
    • Bastian
    • Christian
    • Dominik
    • Dong
    • Friederike
    • Jan D.
    • Jan-Ulrich
    • Jiayuan
    • Laura
    • Marcus
    • Mila
    • Philipp
    • Vanessa
    • Xiaorui
  • Instructors
    • Prof. Ursula Damm
    • Prof. Roland Eils
    • Bernd Hopfengärtner
    • Sebastian Hundertmark
    • Jens Keienburg