GMU:Algorithmic Art/Grayson Daniel Bailey

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Human Processed Algorithm 1 // 261018

Result Algorithm
  Human Processed Algorithm 1

Inspiration // Recursion As a source of inspiration, architectural examples of recursive operations within facade design, such as LAVA : KACST HQ, form a basis for environmental and aesthetic building design, but the inclusion of personal data adds an additional layer of complexity. Following a basic level of recursion, the question of human ease was a driver in the specific operations which take place. The thought being, 'if the algorithm is too mathematically complex, then why not just have a computer act as operator', the instructions and dimensions were orchestrated into a regimented set of operations, while never crossing the line of expecting time-consuming computations to take place.

Inspiration // Personal Data While personal data is mostly ancillary to the recursive operation, the inclusion of personal data within the algorithm brings up questions of whether the result might be reverse-engineered to collect basic amounts of data from a person. While the produced algorithm intentionally avoids full data points (limiting birth date and card numbers to only partial data, and only including signature in colored ink), the resultant works develop a limited argument on the operations in which vital personal data can be mined, all while being presented in a benign and playful shell. In part, this thinking was inspired by James Bridle's writing in New Dark Age.

Algorithms for Computers 1 // 021118

Result Algorithm




Combining For Loops for a Grid of Squares which have multiple offsets within each cell. The cell offset strokeWeight values are deteremined by the mouseXY, and lines are drawn between middle points that the hidden cursor hovers over for an amount of time.


Taking the basic algorithm for Brownian Motion as a format, additional interactions are introduced in order to develop a better understanding of Array methods. While lines are drawn from the calculated 'random' motion which comes from the basic Brownian motion, the color of lines are incrementally manipulated and the fading affect of the background is toggled upon mousePressed(). Additionally, triangles are drawn at the end of the pointList, and the centroid of the 2D triangles are calculated and indicated with a point, and a curve is drawn via vertex points from the Brownian Motion points.


Working with ForLoops for 2D grid generation and cell offset, this attempt varies the x and y grid input for the grid offset number along with the visualized color of the cells.

Human Processed Algorithm 2 // 091118

Result Algorithm

Human Processed Algorithm 2

Inspiration // Human Process Counterbalancing the more or less strict routines of the first Human Processed Algorithm, HPA2 involves writing prompts and gap-solving from the operator. While the implementation is limited, instructions which skip the process for achieving and outcome and merely state the outcome desired are an interesting way to require creative input from the operator. Additionally, the end of the algorithm asks for the archival process to take place internally, thus utilizing the more algorithmic nature as a traditional time-saving device.

Inspiration //Multi-Media Something that seems complex with computer operation is material manipulation or application. Due to this, HPA2 investigates the simple requests of multi-media involvement in a fashion that would be prohibitive in a computationally driven algorithm. In personal perspective, the personal or 'random' content which comes from the operator is much less of interest than the processes which are personally chosen - i.e. how to attach the cut images, how to attach the thread, how to create the margin limitations.

Algorithms for Computers 2 // 091118

Result Algorithm



As a beginning attempt to play repeated content, several arrays of image frames are placed in Arrays which are switched out in rotation via mouse interaction. Additionally, the base images are manipulated in order to increase the pixelization of each image and provide a visual filter with lines which connect cells of dark color with each other.


First, a Perlin Noise p5.js sketch was rebuilt in the Processing environment, and adapted to utilize an agent system within the structure of object-oriented programming. Subsequently, the parameters of the sketch, along with the base of movement were updated in order to develop a higher understanding of the agent activity.

Algorithms for Computers 3 // 091118

Result Algorithm



I was interested in further pursuing 2D manipulation of the sin / cos equations in drawing wave curves, while also seeing the effects of color manipulation. Still, the sin() and cos() proved difficult, so the next trials will focused on soldifying a workable understanding of their manipulation and affect in 2D. Additionally, it would be useful to focus on separating complex actions into separate functions, and adding a particle class into the mix. Initial inspiration:


Although its a bit of step backwards into single particle territory, I was interested in augmenting particle movement with sin curves, and adjusting the color output with a noise function. The next step would be to transition the sketch to a larger space with a higher number of particles which have color differences, thus needing to store separated noise values for each particle.