GMU:Performance Platform

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Bauhausstraße 9a Erdgeschoss. Telefon 583559

The Interactive Performance Platform is a lab for artistic research operated by the GMU.


The videowall in action
Screenshot from the tracking software

  • markerless multi-person tracking
  • highspeed camera for longterm-recording
  • 10.2 channel audio system
  • 4 x 4 tiled video wall
  • 4 mac workstations




The Performance Platform is used for artistic research.
However there are occasional workshops and modules inside the lab to introduce the participants to the technology and foster the emergence of cross-disciplinary projects.

The place may be crowded during modules and workshops. Please try not to disturb during those times. Thank you :)

Project Groups




As part of the Introduction to the Lab the students will create Online Tutorials.
The tutorials will explain how to use the technology available at the Performance Platform.


There is an internal mailing list for everyone that has their working space on the DBL groundfloor.
Please contact Jörg Brinkmann if you think you should be on that list.
