GMU:Wild Type/Vanya Gercheva

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Homework: Create A Letter With Processing! Date:29.10.2015

First attempt: Letter V

V abgabe1.png

V abgabe.png

Letter V made of three lines and a filled rhomboid + code screenshot

Second attempt: Letter f

F abgabe2.png

F code.png

Okay, here a bit more creative: small f made of two rhomboids and two half-closed arcs. Light background, dark red letter + code, of course

Third attempt (it's getting pretty serious): Letter A

A abgabe.png

A code.png

Okay, here is a letter A, made of bezier curves, arcs and lines, strokes with different weights and... green! + code

And last, but not least Fourth attempt: Letter C

C abgabe.png

My personal favourite, made just for fun: everything you can imagine, lines, arcs, ellipses.. but the code is too long for a screenshot.. RAWR!