File:2. build simple sequencer.maxpat Introduction: This is an simple sequencer which I used the" metro 200" which could output a bang message in 200 milliseconds. Then "counter 1 8" could keep count based on bang messages then loop forward from 1 to 8. After that "select 1 2 4 "could output bangs based on input matching then output " 1 2 4" and send messages to "300 500 700" respectively. Then the "cycle~ 440 " could generate a periodic waveform and the Audio could be output.
20.4 Class Two - "Dimmer and Frequency" File:Class 2-MAX .docx
11.5 Sound Cool Arduino - File:sound cool control LED .maxpat
16.5 Jitter File:animation-ZHenhuan Weng.maxpat
24.5 My idea “Max interactive with Webcam” File:Max interactive with Webcam.maxpat
21.6 Test 1File:Test 1.maxpat
27.6 Test 2File:Webcam-Sound test 1.maxpat
05.7 Homework "Introduction"File:Homework 1 counter, sequencer.maxpat
08.7 Counter and SequencerFile:counter, sequencer.maxpat