Project 5: Nonlinear modelling and analysis of unreinforced masonry structures

Lars Abrahamczyk, Aanis Uzair (Chair of Advanced Structures)

Masonry is a heterogeneous, discontinuous and anisotropic material with distinct rupture or stress surfaces. The mechanical properties of such a system are largely influenced by the constitutive materials and construction methods. Thus, the type of masonry units, construction method and material properties have a significant influence on the performance of unreinforced masonry (URM) against lateral loads. Masonry failure due to lateral loads is characterized by its heavy weight, high stiffness and low tensile strength. The global stability of URM depends on the behavior of individual elements of the structure. The aim of this project is to introduce the participants into advanced modelling techniques for nonlinear analysis of URM walls with irregular opening layouts. Available/ provided façade information and dimensions will be elaborated and correlated with the ground plan information. The elaborated ground plans will be transformed into an equivalent frame to perform numerical studies. The building capacity and corresponding performance objectives for different seismic acceleration levels will be determined. Finally, the results will be summarized and presented by considering building type specific fragility functions.