Complaints offices for students
Since spring 2024, two complaints offices have been established at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar for the areas of »Student and Academic Affairs« and in the event of »Discrimination«. All information on this can be found below.
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Complaints office in the area of:
University Complaints Office for Student and Academic Affairs
During your studies, you may be confronted with situations you cannot resolve on your own. In such instances, the representatives of the complaints office will support in cases of complaints about:
- Courses and degree programmes
- Organisation of study and examinations
- Teaching staff
- Cross-faculty issues for which no solutions have been found yet despite efforts in this connection
- Issues not addressed by the counselling service centres
There is no specific criterion for how serious a problem must be to warrant the involvement of the representatives of the University Complaints Office for Student and Academic Affairs. If you are unsure whether your problem should be addressed by the Complaints Office for Student and Academic Affairs, you can always have an initial discussion with its two representatives:

You can contact the University Complaints Office at the following e-mail address: |
How can I deal with conflicts and complaints?
We have the following recommendations for the target-oriented handling of conflicts and complaints:
- Think carefully about the problem you wish to resolve.
- Formulate what goal or personal interest you are pursuing in the course of the problem-solving process.
- If possible, try to initially have a direct person-to-person conversation with those concerned or with the listed counselling service centres/relevant points of contact.
- Ensure to always compile relevant documentation, e.g. e-mails, notifications and similar documents.
- Avoid making complaints impulsively and based on emotion. Instead, reflect on the situation and circumstances before lodging your complaint.
- Contribute your own ideas for solutions that seem sensible and feasible to you but do not exceed the decision-making authority and expertise of the person processing the complaint.
- Respectful and appreciative treatment of all parties involved in the conflict often forms the basis for a swift and satisfactory solution.
What can the Complaints Office for Student and Academic Affairs accomplish?
The Complaints Office for Student and Academic Affairs has two representatives who are affiliated with the University Strategic Development Office at the university and work in the area of quality development for the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.
The representatives of the Complaints Office for Student and Academic Affairs mainly serve as advisors, moderators and mediators. Whilst they have no authority to issue instructions, they can draw on an extensive network within the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and, as neutral mediators, contribute to the parties involved reaching an amicable agreement.
How does a complaints process work?
The handling of complaints processes depends on various factors, such as the topic or objective, the nature of the matter and the willingness of the parties involved to reach a solution.
- Make an appointment with the complaints office
- Consultation: present your concern, review any documents already submitted if applicable and reach an individual agreement on how to proceed
- On request or by arrangement, discuss with other involved parties to resolve the problem
Can I submit my concern anonymously to the complaints office?
In the case of an anonymous complaint, representatives of the complaints office have no opportunity to ask questions or provide feedback; as such, anonymous complaints cannot be accepted. However, processing your complaint in an anonymised form is possible. Please inform the responsible representatives if you wish to proceed in this way.
Where and in what language are consultations held?
Consultations usually take place in the offices of the University Strategic Development Office, though other locations may also be arranged if required. Consultations are always held with both representatives from the complaints office (i.e., at least three people are involved). Consultations can be conducted in German or English.
How will my information be handled?
All aspects of complaints procedures are treated with the utmost confidentiality for all parties. Representatives of the complaints centre are bound to secrecy. No personal information will be passed on without consent. Nor will any steps be taken that could allow conclusions to be drawn about the student unless the student so wishes.
What can I do if I am not satisfied with the solution?
It may be the case that your expectations cannot be fully met. However, you can assume that your request has been seriously and carefully considered and that the people involved in the clarification process are very keen to find a solution in order to avoid complaints in the future. In certain situations, it may therefore also be necessary to consider a compromise proposal.
If this also does not lead to a solution, you can either contact other people or university committees (faculty board, deans, chancellor or president). You can also take legal action, although this is outside the remit of the Student and Academic Complaints Office. From this point onwards, you should seek legal advice. The Studierendenwerk Thüringen offers expert legal advice within the scope of its tasks and responsibilities according to § 3 para. 1 of the »Thüringer Studierendenwerksgesetzes«. It is open to all students. The free counselling is provided by independent lawyers during the lecture period (also in English on request).
University Complaints Office for Discrimination Cases
University members can submit formal complaints for cases of discrimination to the University Complaints Office for Discrimination Cases (Beschwerdestelle). The University Complaints Office will then review the issue. If the allegation of discrimination is confirmed, the University Complaints Office will propose appropriate measures or sanctions. The University Complaints Office operates based on the »General Act on Equal Treatment« (AGG) and the »Guidelines for Protection Against Discrimination of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar in accordance with the AGG«. The Complaints Office receives complaints based on the legal provisions, in particular regarding racial discrimination, discrimination based on ethnic origin, gender, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual identity.
We strongly recommend that you contact one of the counselling service centres as a first step before initiating a formal complaints procedure.
The University Complaints Office procedures are outlined in the »Rules of Procedure«.

You can contact the Complaints Office in the event of Discrimination at the following e-mail address: |
What is the difference between the counselling service centres and the University Complaints Office for discrimination cases?
The counselling service centres provide individual and objective advice and support to those affected. They help to establish protective measures and strategies based on personal autonomy and empowerment. In necessary cases, they refer affected individuals to other internal and external counselling services, accompany them to meetings or organise mediation. All counsellors are bound to confidentiality. All information is treated as confidential. Counselling sessions may take place anonymously. Additional steps are only taken with the consent of and at the request of the affected individual.
The University Complaints Office for discrimination cases investigates incoming complaints objectively and neutrally. This may include examining documents, files and submitted evidence, as well as interviewing named witnesses. The individual against whom the complaint is directed is also given the opportunity to make a statement. As soon as a complaint has been received by the University Complaints Office, the Office is obliged to investigate the claim. The information is treated as confidential. However, submitting an anonymous formal complaint is not possible.
In cases of discrimination, which counselling service centres can I turn to?
There are a number of counselling service centres at the university who provide support in cases of discrimination. An overview of these services can be found here.
What are the responsibilities of the University Complaints Office for discrimination cases?
The Complaints Office is responsible for handling complaints based on disadvantage and discrimination. The Complaints Office operates based on the »General Act on Equal Treatment (AGG)« and the »Guidelines for Protection against Discrimination at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar in accordance with the AGG«. The Office receives complaints based on the legal provisions, in particular regarding racial discrimination, discrimination based on ethnic origin, gender, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual sexual discrimination and violence.
Complaints based on other issues are not dealt with by the University Complaints Office for Discrimination Cases. Students can submit complaints based on courses, degree programmes, the organisation of studies and examinations, and on lecturers through the »Student and Academic Affairs« Complaints Centre.
Who can contact the University Complaints Office for discrimination cases?
The University Complaints Office receives discrimination complaints from employees, doctoral candidates and students.
Temporary or visiting university members, for instance visiting academic or lecturers, can also submit complaints to the University Complaints Office.
How is the formal complaints procedure carried out?
The affected individual (complainant) submits a complaint, either in writing or verbally, to the »Complaints Office« in the event of discrimination.
The »Complaints Office« will then review the complaint by examining documents and submitted evidence, and by interviewing witnesses. The Office requests a response from the individual against whom the complaint has been submitted (respondent), either in writing or in person (hearing).
If the »Complaints Office« concludes that, in accordance with the AGG and/or the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Regulations, no act of discrimination has taken place, the respondent and the complainant will be informed accordingly.
If the »Complaints Office« concludes that, in accordance with the General Act on Equal Treatment (AGG) and/or the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Anti-Discrimination Guidelines, an act of discrimination has taken place, the »Complaints Office« will recommend appropriate measures or sanctions.
The recommendations of the »Complaints Office« act as a basis for decision-making by the relevant responsible offices. The responsible office depends on the member group to which the respondent belongs to. The responsible office for students and doctoral candidates is the Vice President of Student and Academic Affairs; the responsible office for academic staff is the President; the responsile office for non-academic staff the Chancellor.
The »Complaints Office« documents the complaints procedure. The Office informs complainants of the outcome of the complaints procedure. The complaints procedure can be seen in the diagram and in the Rules of Procedure of the »Complaints Office«.
How can I reach the University Complaints Office?
You can reach the University Complaints Office via phone or e-mail.
Appointments may be made in advance.
Dipl.-Ing. Ronny Schüler and Carolin Wick
Phone: +49 (0)3643-581717