With their funding-program »Innovative Frauen im Fokus« (»Focus on Innovative Women«), the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) wants to put a spotlight on women’s contributions to science as well as on their innovative ideas. According to a BMBF press release, the BMBF’s funding program »Innovative Frauen im Fokus« is part of the BMBF’s funding area »Strategien zur Durchsetzung von Chancengerechtigkeit für Frauen in Bildung und Forschung« (»Strategies for the Implementation of Equal Opportunities for Women in Education and Research«) and aims at contributing to the German government’s equal opportunity goals. These entail increasing the opportunities for women in science, research, and innovation to work towards actual equality for women.
Consequently, the funding program’s goals are:
The funding program is open to universities, non-university research institutes, small and medium-sized commercial enterprises, public associations, foundations, educational and cultural institutions, and other legal persons, whether governed by public or private law, if they have competencies in the area of women- and gender-focused research and/or topic-related measures.
The program offers funding for research and implementation projects with a term of up to three years. In total, the program will distribute 36 million Euros among the various projects.
The application deadlines are November 30, 2021, and November 30, 2022.
For more information, please click here.
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