Introduction To Electronics
Lecturer: Darsha Hewitt
Credits: 6 ECTS, 4 SWS
Date: Freitag, 09:15 bis 16:45 (see timetable below)
Venue: Marienstraße 5, Room 201
First meeting: Friday, 17 April 2015, um 09:15 Uhr
This is a rigorous introduction to the foundations of electronics. Though a series of hands-on exercises students will learn the fundamental concepts and skills required to work with hardware, sensors and other complex electronic systems. It is an essential course for students working with electronic interfaces and environmentally responsive artwork.
- There is a 25 euro material fee for for this class.
- This course is condensed into seven weeks, students please ensure you are available for the dates outlined below.
Dies ist eine intensive Einführung in die Grundlagen der Elektronik. Durch praktische Übungen erlernen Studenten die grundlegenden Konzepte und Fähigkeiten um DIY Elektronik und Hardware-Systeme zu benutzen. Es ist ein wesentlicher Kurs für Studenten mit elektronischem Interface Design und Interactive/Digitale Kunst.
- Studenten aus Medienkunst und Gestaltung haben Priorität für diesen Kurs
- die Gebuhr fur Materialen ist 25€
- bitte bis zum 13.04.2015 bei der Lehrerin, per Email, registrieren
- dieser Kurs ist auf 7 Wochen verkurzt! (siehe Zeitplan).
- 1. Antragen 40%
- 2. Teilnahme 50%
- 3. Dokumentation 10%
Course Timetable
Subject to change
17.04.2015* | Introduction: meet & greet, course overview, introduce assignments, e-lab orientation |
24.04.2015 | Workshop Day |
08.05.2015 | Assignment 1 due (10%) + Workshop Day |
15.05.2015 | Workshop Day |
05.06.2015 | Assignment 2 due (10%) + Workshop Day |
12.06.2015 | Workshop Day |
19.06.2015* | Assignment 3 due (20%) |
26.06.2015 | Final day to submit documentation |
NOTE: "*" courses on these dates run half day from 9:15-12:30
Registration Procedure
Please send your application by email, no later than 13.04.2015 with the Subject: Introduction to Electronics to: darsha.hewitt (ät) Include the following:
- Your full name
- Your study program and semester (Studienprogramm und Fachsemester)
- Student number (Matrikelnummer)
- Valid email address Why?
- A paragraph describing:
- why you want to take this course,
- what other courses you plan on taking this semester
- and a statement that you have consulted the course timetable and are able to commit to the schedule outlined below
Mailing List
Once you are registered for the course you must sign up for the GMU mailing list:
- 1. Assignments 40%
- 2. Attendance 50%
- 3. Documentation 10%
Eligible Participants
BA + MA:
- Medienkunst und Gestaltung
- Medienarchitektur
- Visuelle Kommunication
- Productdesign
- Medienwissenschaften
Note: Priority is given to Medienkunst und Gestaltung students
The course will be in taught in English